On Ishton's Porch Group Show

Curated by Spanto and Nick Angelo

Nick Angelo / Greg Bojorquez / Valerie J. Bower / Josh Bagel Klassman / Sean Maung / Matt McCormick / Estevan Oriol / Dan Regan / Guadalupe Rosales / Spanto / Darryl Westley / Jordan Doner

“Gentrification is a term loaded with diverse perspectives and deeply personal effects. On Ishton’s Porch is a conversation among artists and how their material practices reveal direct and sensitive relationships to gentrification.
In the continual process of gentrification, the city of Los Angeles faces the erasure of its rich histories. Guadalupe Rosales, in collaboration with Spanto, suspends time and complicates the idea of home in the re-creation of an archetypical 90s teenager’s bedroom filled with memories, feelings of loss and the displacement of identity when the narratives of neighborhoods are rewritten. Indexical maps by Nick Angelo navigate personal reflections on the multitudinous transformations of Los Angeles. The collective works presence the past and display the instability of self in an unstable urban environment. The show makes clear the pertinence of perpetual examination of gentrification in order to preserve intersections of personal and spatial histories.
On Ishton’s Porch is a nostalgic palimpsest of the process of gentrification. The artworks in the show go beyond observation to activate awareness of the social, economic, and psychic effects of gentrification. Through a range of perspectives there emerges a dialogic co-history, promoting new insights into gentrifying, lived sites today.”
